Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Educational Quotes

Educational Quotes
Cautious, careful people always casting about to preserve their reputation and social standing, never can bring about a reform.
Susan B. Anthony 

Jean Huston

Everything depends upon the quality of experience . . . just as no man lives or dies to himself, so no experience lives and dies to itself.
Any experience is mis-educative that has the effect of arresting or distorting the growth of further experience.
The central problem of an education based upon experience is to select the kind of present experience that live fruitfully and creatively in subsequent experiences.
John Dewey, 1938 

When I think about all the crap
I learned in high school . . .
. . . . . it's a wonder I can think at all.

Paul Simon

Instruction begins when you, the teacher, learn from the learner; put yourself in his place so that you may understand . . . . . . . . . . . . . what he learns and the way he understands it.
Any educational efforts may be said to be UNSUCCESSFUL to the extent that student achievement is normally distributed.
Benjamin Bloom
The desire to know is far more important than achievement and/or performance measures.
Caine & Caine
Sometimes one sees in the school simply the instrument for transferring a certain maximum quantity of knowledge to the growing generation.
ut that is not right.
nowledge is dead.
he school, however, serves the living.
t should develop in the young individuals those qualities and capabilities which are of value for the welfare of the commonwealth.
ut that does not mean that individuality should be destroyed and the individual become a mere tool of the community, like a bee or an ant.
or a community of standardized individuals without personal originality and personal aims would be a poor community without possibilities for development.
n the contrary, the aim must be the training of independently acting and thinking individuals, who however, see in the service of the community their highest life problem.
Albert Einstein, 1936

I have need to be all on fire,
for I have mountains of ice about me to melt
William Lloyd Garrison
An abolitionist in Boston over a century ago
It is the supreme art of the teacher
to awaken joy in creative expression
and knowledge
Albert Einstein

The teacher is one who made two ideas grow where only one grew before
Elbert Hubbard

The man who can make hard things easy is the educator
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Learning is something students do, NOT something done to students
Alfie Kohn

It is in fact nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of instruction have not yet
entirely strangled the holy curiosity of inquiry; for this delicate little plant, aside from stimulation,
stands mainly in need of freedom; without this it goes to wrack and ruin without fail
Albert Einstein

Education, properly understood, is that which teaches discernment
Joseph Roux

for someone thoughtful
it only takes one smile to offer welcome
and blessed be the person who will share it.
it only takes one moment
to be helpful
and blessed be the person who will spare it.
it only takes one joy
to lift a spirit
and blessed be the person who will give it.
it only takes one life
to make a difference
and blessed be the person who will live it.
amanda bradley

Prejudice is a burden which
confuses the past,
threatens the future,
and renders the present inaccessible
Maya Angelou

I have visited sweatshops, factories, and crowded slums. If I could not see it, I could smell it.
The foundation of society is laid upon a basis of . . . individualism, conquest and exploitation . . . A social order such as this, built upon such wrong and]basic principles, is bound to retard the development of all.
The output of a cotton mill or a coal mine is considered of greater importance than the production of healthy, happy-hearted and free human beings.
We, the people, are not free.
Our democracy is but a name.
Helen Keller
I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social or political equality of the white and black races . . . I will say in addition that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which, I suppose, will forever forbid the two races living together upon terms of social and political equality; and in as much as they cannot so live, that while they do remain together there must be a position of the superiors and the inferiors; and that I, as much as any other man, am in favor of the superior being assigned to the white man.
Abraham Lincoln 1858

If the student-written text is to go beyond the stories about generals and millionaires and queens and kings, teachers have to help their students, in one way or other, to discover and record the voices of the common men and women who reflect the real life out of which all history is made. This is especially the case in writing about minorities, as well as about women.
Our tendency is to attempt to make up for the errors of the past by listing (and praising) as many notable blacks, or women, as we can possibly "collect"--in order, it seems, to struggle back in kind against all of those white male Anglo-Saxon figures who now dominate the school curricula.
We continue, however, to write about important people, prize-winning people, blacks of grandeur, women of great fire, fame or wit. We do not write about ordinary people.
Jonathon Kozol
On Being a Teacher
America is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today
Martin Luther King
June, 1967

1 comment:

http://strongbluereef.webs.com/articles.htm said...
